Sat night I went out to Kowloons with a few friends from high school, they have been after me to go out with them for a year now. So they planned this a month and a half ago so I wouldn't have any excuses. It's not that I didn't want to go I just hate leaving the baby. Anyway I am glad I went we had so much fun catching up. The only one I still talk to is Alicia, she was one of my best friends in hs. Tayla loves her Auntie Alicia. The food and drinks were great, but we had to wait 45 min for a table...crazy.
Gotta love Mommy nights out-- especially when you can't remember them!
Lush! ha ha
I need one of those scorpion bowls RIGHT NOW.
You go girl!
Mommy's night out is always a GOOD thing!
It's good to miss them!
That sounds like so much fun! It is hard to leave the baby but when you do you see why people do it. Mama needs a break sometimes so you cam come back and be an even better mama!It's good for Daddy bonding too.
p.s. that drink looks so good!
youve been tagged..........good luck
Hope you guys had fun at Bonkers. We would have loved to go but the twins had physicals and the baby had a follow-up on her ears! Post pics please!
mommy looks sloshed
three sheets to the wind
I just finished a scorpion bowl...hope my daycare kids are alright!
haha j/k
This Momma needs a night out!!!
I could use another scorpian bowl...just tell me the time and place and i'm there!!!
Lisa you look so Trashed in the pic of you and Alysha. Looks like fun
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