Sunday, February 24, 2008

Here's Lovey!

May 28, 2007
Tayla was 4 months old in this picture and she is with her 2 favorite things, lovey & her swing, she always had her feet like that. I could never put the tray with toys on because she got made if she couldn't put her feet up! It's funny lovey looks so big in this pic with her now it looks tiny.


Mary S. said...

Lil' Erin had "Geeyeggy". I think she was trying to say blanky and it came out as that and it somehow became the blankets name. It is so shredded i finally had to hide it. She did forget about it but i have it saved for her.


Harrison has his fav blanket too!! Its not allowed out of the house but he drags it everywhere thank god it was made from that really good polar fleece cuz the amount of times ive washed it should have disinegrated by now!!!

Katie said...

oooooohhhh kay

I always wanted Rex to have a blanket too!

Cute picture! She was so little.

Anonymous said...

My girls never had a favorite doll or a blanket. I always wanted them to. I think that is adorable!