Friday, February 8, 2008


Spider tayla

Can you stand the freshness?!?!
I told you she thinks she can do anything she wants now, it only took her about 5 seconds to figure out how to get up there.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god...can you say spoiled??? She has so many toys!

Katie said...

She is on the move! And yes, I noticed the toys too.

She is very loved!

Lisa said...

She has too many toys, that's only half of them she has toys in everyone's rooms. Hey don't blame me between christmas & her birthday everyone got her such nice things, but she's takin over the house!!

ps I didn't forget thank you's are on the way (she's a slow writer)lol.

Kris said...

This kido is so cute. She is like a little monkey. LOL