Friday, February 27, 2009

Tay's 1st dance class video

This is when we first walked in. As you can tell tay was sooo excited to be there. She couldn't wait for the kids to get there.

Good day for a walk!

Yesterday I took tay and Arianna out for a walk and they loved it. We went today too but I have uploaded the pics. What's crazy is today they only had to have sweaters on....and sunday more snow....ugh.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1st day of Dance School!

Today was tay's 1st dance class and she LOVED it. I had to drag her out after class. I was so impressed with her. She went in the room with the teacher and 2 other little girls and she did everything the teacher showed them. It had to be the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tay's boo boo

Well Superbowl sunday was eventful for us. Tay fell off of a kitchen chair and landed on her chin. She cut it open pretty big. (You could actually see the skin on her chin hanging down when looking straight at her...tmi I know). Luckily it was on the underside so you won't be able to see it. We took her to the ER and she got 4 stitches. My poor little baby. I felt so bad for her. It took 3 nurses to hold her down and in the end they lost. The last stitch was tough for the dr to get in. I can't believe she has only been here two years and already had to get stitched back together. But with all of the jumping/swinging/climbing around she does it really shouldn't be too surprising. And can I just tell you she woke up the next morning like nothing happened at all. Does anyone know where I can get one of those bubble thingies????

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

TAYLA'S 2!!!


Tayla turned 2 yesterday and as you can see she was very excited. We kicked off her birthday celebration on Thursday with a small party at Chuck E Cheese (pics to come later) then Seth and I took her back to chuck e cheese yesterday and then we had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe with Mom, Krissy, Lexi and tay's Uncle Robbie. Followed by cake at our house. Tay had so much fun, we all did. I can't believe she is 2. We have one more birthday celebration next saturday and it's a joint party for Tayla and Seth at his mother's house for his family. I will be posting pics all week!