Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Odd things

Wacky things! Prepare yourself for some brutal honesty. Really, I am not going to hold back one bit. You can't handle the truth! ODD THINGS (Not to be confused with Favorite Things)You know the drill...
1. Do you like blue cheese? No but after working at hooters i would be happy to never see (or shall I say smell like) blue cheese and wings again
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No, and after watching intervention I cant figure out why anyone would.
3. Do you own a gun? No, guns are dangerous
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? none around here
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No I don't mind them. I hate the wait though she's always behind
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I only eat them at red sox games.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? The happy elf we are still watching it everyday
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or oj
9. Can you do push ups? I'm not sure but it's prob not gonna happen anyway
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? RHINESTONES BABY!!!
11. Favorite hobby? blogging i love to scrapbook but I don't have the time
12. Do you have A.D.D.? no
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? umm no self control, telling people that i'm still fat cause i just had a baby is getting harder since she's 14 months old. I love to eat.
14. Middle name? Marie we gave it to tayla too
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I'm hungry, why is tayla playing in the pampers box, & i can't wait to move.
16 Name 3 things that you bought yesterday: spring & summer clothes for tay
17. Name 3 things you drink regulary. water, diet coke & juice
18. Current worry? moving away from the city & my mom (don't laugh)
19. Current hate right now? waiting
20. Favorite place to be? home on a sat with seth & tay
21. How did you bring in the New Year? chinese food and the sleeping (not sure if we made it)
22. Where would you like to go? anywhere warm
23. Name three people who will complete this: I think I'm last.
24. Do you own slippers? yes I'm obsessed & when I take them off tay gets mad and tries to shove them on my feet
25. What shirt are you wearing? Pink cotton long sleeve I bought last week at target for $3 when I first went to put it on I realized it was a maternity tee.
26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No I only sleep on the cotton jersey sheets.
27. Can you whistle? no, lexi laughs at me cause she can
28. Favorite color? Pink
29. Would you be a pirate? No they look dirty
30. What songs do you sing in the shower? Anything, what ever's in the cd player
31. Favorite girl's name? Tayla, Hailey, Gracie & savannah, according to seth gracie is an old lady name and savannah is a stripper name, her name was gonna be hailey till we found tayla (after all we go through being pregnant and giving birth I'm really not sure why we give them an opinion)
32. Favorite boy's name? Tyler
33. What's in your pocket right now? nada.
34. What's something that made you laugh today? THE RHINESTONE COWBOY...HE'S CHEEKY...HAHA
35. Best bed sheets as a child? new kids!!
36. Worst injury you've ever had? c-section, the first few days after I thought my stomach was gonna tear open everytime I laughed or moved. (does that count as an injury??)
37. Do you love where you live? I like our house and yard but it's too small. I'll let you know about the new place
38. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4
39. Who is your loudest friend? Me
40. How many dogs do you have? none
41. Does someone have a crush on you? I can't see how after the whole birth ordeal but he says yes
42. What is your favorite book? "How long will you love me mama"
43. What is your favorite candy bar? Snickers
44. Favorite Sports Team? Patriots
45. What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping
46. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Why for the love of god does tayla need to wake up so early.....
If there is anyone left consider yourself tagged.


Melissa said...

Heyy sis, Congrats on finding a place. Im happy for you guys. Ill come by soon but I need to get better because i went to the doctor today and found out I have the flu. : (

Love you

Kelli said...

So good Lisa! All of us (Gayharts) are alike, pretty scary!

Kris said...

I am glad you did the survey. When you move and get settled in maybe I'll come over and we can scrapbook for a few hours. I love it.
Love ya

Katie said...

that was good lisa...good reading!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you the Rhinestone Cowboy?

Lisa said...


Anonymous said...

auntie paula is my homeboy


lisa you are funny too all my cousins have the funny gene it must be a gayhart thing!!! good luck with the move and the new place.
ill see u on the space!!

Anonymous said...

auntie paula is the mack daddy that make you wanna

Kelli said...

Wait, did Lisa just fess up to being RC????!!!!