such a rock star!

Tay's favorite toy!

Morning after!

New backpack

Daddy let tay have a piece of chocolate from the bunny.

She wasn't sure if she liked how the blender felt she kept grabbing it and letting go. We made choc cake with vanilla frosting.

Tayla's easter basket!

Silly bunny left an egg in Tay's crib!

Tayla went right for her basket as soon as she came down.

money from the bunny
We had a terrific easter. Tay loved her basket from the bunny and her presents from everyone. She found 2 eggs and then was done with the eggs. Sorry EB she just wasn't impressed. We went to Grammie & Papa's for dinner then back home for another dinner.
I'm not sure why but all the pics down loaded backwards.
Hope everyone had a nice holiday!!!
That's a big basket! The bunny was good to you Tayla. Happy Easter!
Love her basket!Way to go Tayla!
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