Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tayla's 1st Birthday!!!

My baby is 1 today...I can't believe it! I am not gonna lie this has been the longest, hardest yet happiest and most rewarding year of my life. It's so funny I have been so excited all day (i know it's only 10am but we've been up since 5a). I hung banners everywhere and had a present waiting for her when she woke up. She was excited to see a present and dug right in but she didn't know what to make of the banners she just kept pointing to them, then one fell and got stuck to her foot and she was dragging it behind her, it was very cute. She has no idea what is going on and every time I say or sing happy birthday to her (again I'm not gonna lie, it's been a lot) she just looks at me like I'm crazy!!! I am going to put pics on later, we are getting ready to take her to bonkers!!! We are looking forward to her party on Sat., Tayla is going to love playing with all her cousins.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the party! The kids will have so much fun w/ all their cousins!
That's so nice to get the family together like that, we don't see eachother enough.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tayla! The party was fun. It was nice to see the next generation all playing together.