Tayla had a cold the day of her pictures but she did so good, she is a ham in front of the camera. We were in and out of there in 15 minutes. She smiled right away and for every picture. I kinda wish I waited to take her though cause I think her eyes look puffy, it happens everytime she's sick. I was gonna have them redone but everybody likes them. Let me know what you think. She wouldn't stop eating the letters, the photog laughed at me when I took out my baby wipes and cleaned them before I let her touch them! We have spent so much money of prof pics this year from now on it's one time a year. (This was the 4th time). I always intend to just get a few but then I love them all it's so hard to choose.
Very smart of you to clean those germ infested letters...we just got over the flu and you can never be too germ phobic! The pics are ADORABLE!!!
Very smart of you to clean those germ infested letters...we just got over the flu and you can never be too germ phobic!
The pics are ADORABLE!!!
I love these! I have never seen them done like that!
we had them done at JcPenny, they have great coupons!
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