August 8, 2008
The girls had a sleepover at nana's and had soo much fun, they feed the birds out of this window in nana's pantry!
August 7, 2008
Nana's classroom: Tayla loves it here, she played with the kids and tried to take a nap in the dolls crib in the house area...silly girl!
Aug 6 & 7th, 2008
Home and Bonkers!
love the sideview pic
she's getting soooo big
Where the heck did that other comment come from. Anyway, Tayla looks so big now! Is she talking at all? I'd love to hear some of the things she says. Could be a blog post!
Hey stock investments how about some $$$$ tips.
I had such a great time when they slept over too bad Mom had to come LOL only kidding Love Mom{Nana}
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